Managing Your Mental Health During Exam Season

It’s no question that during exam periods, your focus is almost entirely on school with very little room to slow down and prioritize your mental health. Here at the YFS Wellness Centre, we strongly believe that taking the time to nurture your mental well-being is an integral part of a holistic and successful student lifestyle. Here are 10 suggestions of how to manage your mental health during the exam season.

  1. Stay organized.

    Making a list, plotting out a calendar or using a planner will take the pressure off of trying to keep track of everything in your head.

  2. Explore different study methods.

    What works for others might not work for you. Exploring different study methods can be really helpful for both better exam preparation and for your mental health.

  3. Create a schedule.

    Plotting out your day by scheduling your breaks and your responsibilities can help to manage your workload and to reduce your stress.

  4. Be honest about your strengths and limitations.

    Knowing the details of what your best studying environment feels like is a powerful tool in protecting your well-being.

  5. Stay connected.

    Whether it’s sending TikToks on your group chat or venting to your parents, keeping in touch with your community is vital to your mental well-being - especially during exam season.

  6. Do not compromise on sleep!

    Studies show that pulling all-nighters and not getting a full 7+ hours of sleep is actually counterproductive to concentration, memory and productivity (as well as mental health).

  7. Prioritize eating and drinking water.

    In times of high pressure and stress, it’s easy to forget to stay nourished and hydrated. Set alarms and schedule meal and snack breaks throughout your day, everyday.

  8. Take wellness breaks.

    And speaking of breaks, prioritizing leisure time for fun activities (even if it's only 30 minutes) will do wonders for your mental health. 

  9. Get moving!

    Whether it’s going for a walk, taking a dance class or even incorporating a long stretch session into your morning routine, incorporating movement into your day reduces stress and releases endorphins.

  10. Seek support.

    Check out our resources tab or come and visit the Wellness Centre until Dec 14th at 4pm to grab some information, connect with peers and staff and to enjoy the space - you deserve it!

Above all, please remember that even if you didn’t get the grade you wanted on a test or missed a deadline - you are so much more than your marks. Being a human being comes before being a student and your health and well-being is much more valuable than tests and transcripts.

Take care and good luck this exam season!